Former Prime Minister of Australia Reveals Concerns About Biden’s Mental State

Photo by The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden’s decline is wreaking havoc across the globe.

He is proving himself incapable of performing his job as president.

And even powerful world leaders are starting to notice.

A huge part of the job of the president of the United States is performative. The president must project a strong and energetic public image to represent his country in a respectable way.

This was something that presidents of the past from both parties, such as Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy, excelled at. Regardless of their policies, they both represented the U.S. well on the global stage.

As Joe Biden continues to decline, however, his ability to do that is severely weakened. And even the world leaders are noticing how bad it’s gotten.

Australia is a key ally of the United States due to its relative proximity to China. They have been engaged in an economic and political battle for control of the Pacific region.

Their former Prime Minister, John Howard, is far from a rabid right-winger by U.S. standards, but he has been paying attention to U.S. politics and is very concerned about Joe Biden.

He dislikes Donald Trump and says he could not vote for him, but even he was forced to admit that Joe Biden simply is not up to the job anymore.

According to Sky News, “Former Australian prime minister John Howard has revealed he would not vote for United States presidential candidate Donald Trump in November if he were American.”

“However, the former Liberal leader also said he does not fancy the alternative to Trump.”

Here is what Howard had to say: “I think there are cognitive problems surrounding Trump’s likely opponent.”

This is a strong statement from someone with as much influence as Howard has, but it comes after Biden forgot the name of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison during a state visit.

The article continues, “Mr. Biden is already confirmed as the Democratic candidate.”

“The current president’s mental faculties have come under heavy scrutiny during his governance and he has been criticized for reportedly confusing world powersforgetting names, and falling off a bicycle.”

“A poll by NBC News found more than 76 percent of American voters have concerns about the president’s mental and physical health.”

“Mr. Howard and the rest of the world will wait for the US election in November to determine the next tenant of the White House.”

He finished off by saying: “I’m glad I don’t have a vote in that election.”

Perhaps it would be better if Biden simply stopped doing these visits altogether and deputized other officials to do it for him.

If foreign leaders like John Howard have noticed how bad Biden has gotten, voters in the United States certainly have as well.

That’s why Biden’s poll numbers have been dropping like a rock, and some Democrats are clamoring for him to leave the race.